16 December 2009

Mid-week Music: Sara Groves "Toy Packaging"

Another Wednesday is here! And it's time for some mid-week cheer, courtesy of the lovely Sara Groves. (And it's set to flashing Christmas lights! Ooohh... But don't get too distracted by the shiny lights; these lyrics are inspired. Sara speaks words of wisdom yet again!) OK, now press play:

Christmas Lights PBL - Sara Groves ~ Toy Packaging from robogeek on Vimeo.

Best line: "Honey!"

Happy Christmas! And may your toys be easily opened. tIO

PS:  Last year, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos echoed the "wrap rage" described in this song. This year, Amazon is offering "frustation-free packaging" on many items. Visit the previous link for the F-FP homepage on amazon.com, and do notice the offer's sub-title: "Reducing wrap rage since 2008." Clever, Mr Bezos; and thank you so very much.


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